This is Michael's world 
updated 23 September  98
best viewed with Netscape, Cips or Choc..
you surfed on my Home page.... just stay a while and look around.. 
Michael Ferdinand born March 26 1966
living close to Heilbronn....Germany 

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             Pics about my hobbies

            Around my town  from January till December  not working....sorry

           Shoots from my trip to Egypt 1997

            ....and from the ride through the Algerian Desert 1994

           ....some shots from the motorcycle trip through Libya Desert 1996

      ....and again i have been there in pics from Libya

          not only sanddunes in my here some pics from our
                           ski trip to the french alps

     ....lot of rain and beer....short ride to France- Elsass 1998.
                      Northeast of France. Hope next  year more sun

      ....the best Band in from the Combination Big-Band

        very important....dont forget to write on my Guest book or it gets very lonesome


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 lifepic from the last internetsession... . .

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