Some black n`white pics from a gig in our town Juni 98.
all pics by Rolf Wuerz

   back to front: Andreas Kilian, Alexander Godi, Gundula Rohn

The Combination Big Band on stage

 Sax: Chris & Sandra Mäthner, Melanie Katzinger,Oli Gärtner, Simon Denzel, Helen Horrichs, Frank Löffler, Gundula Rohn
Trumpets: Günther Ehrlich, Volker Grupp, Friedrich Voswinkel  Trombone: Alex Godi, Waldemar Wolf, Adolf Ferdinand
Rhytm.Sec: Uwe Kleber, Waldemar Wolf, Andreas Kilian, Robin Frisch. Vocal: Susanne Theves

band lead: Michael Ferdinand

  lead vocal: Miss Susanne Theves

or visit the offical page from the CBB Leingarten